Below is a listing of the therapists at Lakes Psychiatric Center and Lakes DBT Center. Click on the photo to go to that clinician's individual page, which has a detailed listing of their services and areas of expertise, as well as contact information.
To easily find a therapist with availabilities that matches your specific needs, you can also use our handy, searchable, and sortable Therapy Staff Chart.
NEW PATIENTS: Please contact the chosen therapist (call or email) directly to set up an appointment. Then call (248) 859-2457 to provide patient information and to get the new patient paperwork. It is also available on the FORMS page.
Looking for SPRAVATO® Treatments? Those appointments are made through Lakes Depression Center.
Looking for medication prescriptions and management? Go to our Prescribers page.​​​
Each clinician's services and availabilities are indicated with icons:
Blue: New patient appointments available.​
Green: Treatments currently offered for new patients.
Please check​ the therapist's webpage for more detailed information as well as the type of therapies offered.
Light Gray: Currently no new availabilities.
Rainbow: Special expertise and/or experience working with the LGBTQIA+ community.